Thursday 24 November 2016

What Name Do you Call Yourself?

Everything in the world has got a name, even the things that seem not to have any are still called something. Sometimes I wonder how this naming convention really works. But God has given man the sole right to name as he wishes.

When we are born, our parents call us names, some names are given based on the situation surrounding their birth, for example my middle name is OGUGUAMAKWA-it means literally 'You wipe tears off my eyes'. My paternal grand mother gave me this name based on her experiences with the girl child. And we are told that in one way or the other man gets to live his name and a number of people have told me I play the role most times .

A man gets 3 names, the name from birth, the name the society calls you and the one you call yourself. The last one is the most important one because we view you through your own self. Define yourself and that is how we will take you. There a lot of people with very great birth names but are living the opposite of those names. For example a girl whose name is Queen but carries herself waywardly in the society. So i do not completely agree with the saying that we all live our names. However we live the name we call ourselves. If you choose to enslave yourself to the name given to you by parents or society then that is what you totally become. But you can choose to call yourself the name that suits your purpose and live it and then the society will accept your new name. No one shapes your self like you. If you are no longer comfortable with how the society and family sees you then change your description.

The choice to be whom you want to be solely lies on you. Stop blaming situations for your condition, get up and work up. change your story, write it the way you want it to be read. Just remember that you are exactly what you call yourself and what you work yourself to be. You need to look yourself in the mirror and introduce yourself to YOU and see what you are!.

Nothing holds you from being a great person. You are special!

This is how i welcome you to my blog, I promise it will always be a value added time on here. WELCOME!

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